
Does your Healthcare TXP have ability to adapt to integrated care?

The NHS is delivering around-the-clock care. Staff staying current and updated on statutory and mandatory training and compliance is essential for patient safety. The sheer amount of information in response to these challenges can be overwhelming. Information overload can have the opposite effect of empowerment.
The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) is the largest and most established healthcare system in the world. As with all healthcare organisations, ensuring staff compliance is the number one priority for all learning teams. Healthcare is faced with numerous issues; staff work long shifts on rotation, struggling to make training sessions. NHS staff shortages, coupled with budget restraints can render staff retention problematic. 

The long term plan of the NHS is to move to integrated care systems and partnerships, multiple organisations working together across primary, community, and hospital interfaces. We need to think about how we can most effectively support staff education and training within these services with our talent experience platforms. 

The NHS will be looking at how to manage different workforce needs across different interfaces for statutory training or mandatory training. Each healthcare profession may have differing E&T and compliance requirements.

Catalyst is working globally with healthcare institutions, associations and government organisations. Specialisation in improving compliance standards is of paramount importance to all of them. By using Totara Learn healthcare organisations can ensure their staff and infrastructure keep on top of regulatory training requirements.

Benefits of a talent experience learning platform for healthcare

The role of e-learning training and development in the healthcare sector has many positive and enduring influences. When successful the following benefits can be listed as follows:

  • Patient care and outcomes are enhanced: Through the medium of successful training programmes, patient care becomes automatically more consistently timely and more cost-effective. 
  • Compliance is kept up to date. Regular revision of professional accreditations and regulations is achievable.
  • The risk of non-compliance is minimised by centralising the e-learning platform. All employees are educated on the latest policies and procedures.     
  • Staff operations can run more efficiently, by adhering to a well-designed programme of online training options. Busy mobile employees can equally keep abreast of policy and patient care changes.
  • Cost-effective training: A scalable training platform mitigates compliance risk by ensuring real-time delivery of all mandatory and revised information.
  • Better job satisfaction is achieved through improved access to training, thereby improving staff retention rates.

The ability to determine compliance criteria and maintain a clear and accurate audit trail is critical. This is a sector where every aspect is subject to highly regulated measures and the creation of safety-critical environments. 

Totara Learn offers a range of tools to assign the right learning programmes to the right people, automate recertification reminders and generate comprehensive reports on completions and non-compliance. Healthcare organisations can better track and monitor compliance across the organisation with real-time data accuracy. Clear compliance reporting and bespoke dashboards flag overdue compliance courses and shortfalls to managers and employees, ensuring they are completed faster.

In addition to this, the paper-based nurse revalidation process has also been replicated in Totara Learn for easier e-portfolio creation. Creating accessible content, both online and offline is also important for staff as wifi is not always available in hospitals.      

Multitenancy approach 
Using Totara TXP has the added benefit of dividing your organisation into multiple tenants. This way, different sub-organisations can benefit from having the one platform, with access to site-wide courses, with the additional benefit of being able to assign user management and course creation for each tenant. Multi-tenancy in Totara also brings with it added features of a bespoke theme to compliment individual organisations’ brand, bespoke dashboards and learning plans. 

It is more cost effective to have one system for multiple divisions or departments rather than buying a separate one for each decreases the cost of set up and maintenance including upgrades. Multi-tenancy allows for personalised learning tailoring your objectives. 

When choosing a platform
Healthcare, as an industry, is always held to a high social and financial account by the government and society at large. With that in mind, ensuring that all staff are properly trained is a high priority for L&D departments and managers. The choice of e-learning platform is one of the most powerful tools in achieving training and organisational goals. When staff are fully trained and compliant, patient care and outcomes are significantly enhanced.         

  • Guidance when assessing your talent experience platform? 
  • Engaged learners need a personalised and customised training experience. Working from this standpoint, the following questions should be asked.     
  • Will the talent experience platform reduce training costs? 
  • Does a centralised talent experience platform save you time, by rapidly being able to deploy new training content to a bespoke audience of learners?
  • Does the talent experience platform reflect the reduction of risk by standardised training?
  • Is the talent experience platform flexible enough to accommodate busy schedules and mobile staff? 
  • Does the talent experience platform allow for bite-sized content and micro-learning, ensuring better and easier retention of information, reflected across multiple disciplines and departments?
  • Does your talent experience platform track, monitor, and certify your employee training, with appropriate access to advanced reporting systems? 
  • Can your talent experience platform leverage peer to peer online collaboration for e-learning and tap into your network of experts, such as Totara Engage

In the last analysis does the platform enhance engagement, completion rates, compliance and retention?     
What to consider when choosing a Totara Talent experience platform partner? 
Does your prospective partner offer the following: 
A comprehensive understanding of the needs of your employees and trainers?
Are they sufficiently expert in pedagogy and awareness of new learning strategies?
Can they offer a customisation of your platform that truly reflects your ongoing training and development needs? 

In response to these questions you may wish to explore with your potential partner, Catalyst provides: 

  • Outstanding, 24/7, follow the sun, global performance support. 
  • Catalyst are Totara Global Partner of the Year 2020 and Totara Platinum partner 
  • Partnering with global organisations supporting NGOs, including: UNICEF, MSF, Met Office and the British Dental Association. 
  • ISO-27001 certified  
  • Bespoke training with our learning technologist team to develop your e-learning content and help engage your learners to achieve great results. 
  • 20 years in developing and customising LMS open source e-learning solutions 
  • Managed AWS cloud hosting, with outstanding follow-the-sun support and global incident response services for customers. We provide highly available, fully scalable cloud hosting solutions.
  • Development and integration, including theming and design of your LXP. White label your LMS with your brand to make a more personal experience for your users and encourage higher levels of engagement.