The Role of AI and Human Connection in E-Learning

31 July 2023 by Guest author - Lauren Anders Brown, GAMOTECA

As education changes and moves from regular classrooms to online platforms, the importance of human connection becomes even more crucial in creating valuable learning experiences. In this special article, inspired by the podcast ‘How Humans (e)Learn Together‘, Gamoteca’s Creative Director, Lauren Anders Brown, shares the key insights from the latest episode with Gamoteca founder Atish Gonsalves. They explore the exciting combination of AI and human connection in e-learning, looking at how it affects our capacity to learn and the potential opportunities it presents for teachers and students.

Humans and AI learning together

Learning has witnessed a significant transformation over the years, evolving from traditional classroom settings to digital platforms that offer diverse opportunities for people across the globe to connect and learn together. Human connection plays a crucial role in fostering meaningful learning experiences. 

Human connection in digital learning aims to replicate the benefits associated with face-to-face experiences. This includes not only disseminating knowledge but also building connections, providing opportunities for practical application, and enabling feedback from peers, mentors, or teachers. By incorporating simulations and opportunities to practise in a safe space, learners can develop muscle memory for skills to handle complex situations, from preparing for a fire evacuation to diffusing a difficult conversation with a customer. Additionally, interactive learning platforms like Gamoteca, facilitate hands-on practice and mutual accountability, mirroring real-life collaborative scenarios.

Understanding how humans learn is vital for effective education. Learning is a dynamic process involving the acquisition of knowledge, its application, receiving feedback, and engaging in collaborative environments. Humans learn from lived experiences, making mistakes, and interacting with the community around them. Codified knowledge through books and educational institutions complements this experiential learning, but the transfer of lived experience through human connection remains at the core.

The Evolution of AI and Machine Learning

Machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence, has revolutionised how machines learn and interact with data. Traditionally, computers followed programmed instructions. Recent advances in AI allow them to learn (not unlike humans) from patterns they “observe” in large amounts of data, together with training and fine-tuning provided by humans to improve their accuracy and outputs. Self-driving cars, Google search, shopping recommendation sites and generative tools like ChatGPT are prime examples of how machines analyse patterns, with reinforcement feedback provided by humans,  for improved decision-making, human-like content generation and hyper-personalised recommendations.

AI Opportunities in Learning

AI in learning presents exciting opportunities for educators and learners. It offers personalised learning experiences, adaptive learning paths, and more accurate content recommendations. AI-powered chatbots can serve as virtual tutors, providing instant help and support to learners. Additionally, AI can automate administrative tasks, freeing up educators’ time to focus on more creative and interactive teaching methods.

The successful integration of AI and human connection in e-learning can bring about a transformative learning experience. AI can analyse vast amounts of data, enabling a deeper understanding of learners’ preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. However, AI cannot replace the essence of human interaction, collaboration, and empathy that fosters deeper learning experiences.


The blend of AI and human connection in e-learning holds great promise for the future of education. As the digital landscape evolves, educators must embrace these technologies to enhance learning outcomes while ensuring that human touch, collaboration, and interaction remain integral to the learning process. By leveraging the power of AI with the authenticity of human connection, we can create a dynamic and inclusive e-learning ecosystem that empowers learners from diverse backgrounds to grow and thrive together.